Minggu, 02 Maret 2014

American Breakfast Pancakes

Udah lama pingin nyobain pancake, cuman maju mundur, kalo bikin siapa yang mau makan. Secara orang rumah tidak terlalu suka pancake, maklumlah lidah orang jawa, maunya makanan tradisional saja hihihi...
Percobaan pertama memakai resep pancakenya nigella lawson.
Dulu sewaktu masih langganan tv kabel, suka banget ama acaranya nigella. Resep-resepnya oke punya. Pasti enaknya. Aku pernah nyobain salah satu resep muffinnya nigella, lezatto...
Balek ke pancake. Resep aslinya disini ya...
Pancakenya empuk, penyuka pancake, resep ini patut dicoba deh. Sayang nggak punya ice cream he..
Trus kalo disuruh milih pancake ama crepes, aku milih crepes :D

Ingredients :
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 pinch of salt {aku : 1/2 sdt garam}
1 teaspoon white sugar {aku : 2 sdt gula}
2 large eggs (beaten)
30 grams butter (melted and cooled)
300 ml milk
225 grams plain flour
butter for frying

Method :
The easiest way to make these is to put all the ingredients into a blender and blitz. But if you do mix up the batter by hand in a bowl, make a well in the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar, beat in the eggs, melted butter and milk, and transfer to a jug: it's much easier to pour the batter into the pan than to spoon it.
Heat a smooth griddle or pan on the stove.
When you cook the pancakes, all you need to remember is that when the upper side of the pancake is blistering and bubbling it's time to cook the second side, and this needs only about 1 minute, if that.

Semua bahan kublender jadi satu, hasilnya 8 lembar pancakes

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